house – dream (work-in-progress)

work-in-progress performed at Where’s the Art – CARU 2nd Anniversary Party, 27 September 2015, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK (advertising post available here)

(element of research: explorations with references to Bachelard’s ‘The Poetics of Space’; interaction with audience – handing out programmes individually before the performance; multiple instruments; homely setting of space of performance)

Material: piano and toy piano music; own compositions to link the programme; printed programme in postcard format with hand drawing image; cushions; wind chime; barefoot performer


postcard programme

<p><a href=”″>House_Dream_wip</a&gt; from <a href=”″>K&eacute;sia Decot&eacute;</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>